(from about 40 minutes ~) Now we know from the mindblowing video in the previous post, which I cannot watch without coming to tears, that the truth is that in fact, “Utsu was the UFO-ship captain, from off-world, to help us, but she is actually a human being like us”!!! She(Utsu) is not a goddess, but one of the spiritual masters, higher beings, whom Elena is part of. This is, again, truly a huge disclosure.. And the UFO in Mt.Fuji has already awakened, like other creatures, ourselves…every living thing, since the advent of 500 spaceships in the Earth’s sky/sphere in 2021!! Still more surprising is that as ancient as 372,000 years ago..which is, in short, too long ago…Wow!, Prince Ea swore/promised/gave word to the Earth herself, seeing her from his spaceship window, that he would save her(the Earth), from bad ET, Enril!! I was so impressed.. And still more surprising is that Elena was there, side by side with him in the spaceship!! And Elena remembers everything!! Furthermore, Ea and Elena tried to save us for ions of time, after countless, repeated incarnations!!! This is so/too mindblowing…too emotional. Here, I am speechless now, always coming to tears at this part of this video…(unlike talkative, funny me…www) And I know it’s not only me who thinks it might be our turn to help Enki/Ea and Elena..standing up strongly with huge thanks for them!