Speaking of pyramidal-shaped mountains, Mt. Fuji is the best example.. Strangely, Japan’s official historical documents, such as Kojiki, have no record of Mt. Fuji!! Nothing!! Some say it’s too far from Kyoto for common people to travel to Mt. Fuji… On the other hand, there is a famous legend, which says Prince Shotoku, greatly loved in Japan, had a stable at Mt. Fuji’s mountainside and owned his horses there. When he rode a black horse from Kai Province(甲斐国), called Kurokoma(黒駒), the horse suddenly floated in the air and flew over Mt.Fuji (Wow) with the prince on his back and then returned… He praised this horse!! for doing all this..(www like coming back from an off-world experience in UFO?? my overthinking SF, sorry) On my own, this legend also reminds me of Jesus ( 馬 some say “horse” suggests “Jesus” ) and Prince Shotoku = royal bloodline = Kogyoku Tenno 皇極天皇=Sogano Iruka蘇我入鹿, according to Uemori.. So, no official record of Mt.Fuji in Japanese ancient history seems too unnatural/contradictory/intentional. Maybe, Prince Shotoku was proud of his horse, 黒駒-black jumping horse-, and his royal family’s bloodline… (鞍馬寺 Kurama Dera also has the image of a horse/Jesus!! In any case, Jesus was also born at the stable!!! Also, kanji 駒(=spinning top) is too suggestive of “power and rotation.. 生駒 (living spinning top )for Ikoma mountain… which is so POWERFUL) In any case, this famous legend is so crucial.. We have a crucial record called, ”llustrated Biography of Prince Shōtoku”!!, who is very much concealed, mysterious (and maybe sad) hero in Japanese history..He might be one of the members of the envoy program, called “Black Leagure”!! I will cite one of the pictures from this precious record!! We can see it at the National Museum, Ueno (Tokyo)!! It is so magnificent!!