2025年– date –
The most mysterious/dynamic way to show us where Moses’ Grave lies
https://blog.goo.ne.jp/kagome1248/d/20170213https://blog.goo.ne.jp/kagome1248/e/bc9a228c4d34d9fdde72e1100ddb2f5ahttps://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E9%81%99%E7%85... -
Miyoko Angel Celebrates us All!!!!
Thank you all the brave White Hats and President Trump and his team. Also Prince Ea, the Emissary Elena and members of the Galactic Federation. この日を迎... -
Firm resolution.. they decided to tell the truth to the people!!!
It's not a legend, but a legendary line or a circle... How can these important power spots of Jesus' descendants line up straight or on the beautiful right-a... -
Master Kukai has been protecting Mt.Fuji???
https://blog.goo.ne.jp/kagome1248/s/%E5%BE%90%E7%A6%8Fhttps://blog.goo.ne.jp/kagome1248/e/43686ff74f160d45b76b4be1d30ce1c8Now, this is completely my opinion ... -
Overcoming bad guys/ETs’ bullying, we’ll go forward!!
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uq3iaLz4okg&t=821shttps://blog.goo.ne.jp/.../%E7%9A%87%E6%A5%B5%E5%A4%A9%E7...https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K7Px-J1A6Pg... -
Oshirarama legend tells us the Huge Love/Resilience, even after she died..
Now I have come up with my idea, not other people's, but only my own.. We have to classify what type/kind of bullying we have had...www. Also, classify how w... -
Komyo, Dokyo, Prince Osabe might be warning us…
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a9ImB-w9IYk"It (Life) is a taleTold by an idiot, full of sound and fury,Signifying nothing. "This is a super-famous passage f... -
Princess Kaguya, Golden Princess, and Princess Kono(=Iwanaga=Himiko) are all identical!!?? Mt. Tsukuba and Mt. Fuji are also closely related!
I'll post the legend/story that I found in the Mt.Fuji Museum. From this story, we can surmise that Princess Kaguya, Golden Princess, and Princess Kono are c... -
A legend around Mt. Fuji tells, Golden Princess in Ibaraki=Princess Kaguya=Princess KONO!!
https://www.fy-museum.jp/info/8Yesterday, I visited with my best friend, "Mt.Fuji Museum Special Exhibition"!! Sadly, Mt. Fuji was hiding behind the thick cl... -
Kairyuoji Temple, protecting us since the Nara/Heian Period
https://youtu.be/hlMvXSmlR0chttps://kairyuouji.jp/en/https://kairyuouji.jp/Now, I’m so impressed with this beautiful video, Empress Komyo, and her strong wis...