Now to another amazingly huge discovery by Uemori.. I know we cannot judge something before knowing how huge an effort Uemori or, especially Mr.Takebe, a mountain specialist, and his whole team undertook–downloading, detecting the spot, climbing mountains, measuring, digging, making health tools, etc, etc… Maybe it is not enough to cite this single triangle for proving Princess Iwanaga’s true identity.. Before that, we should know one by one about the hardships and joys of discovering Jesus’ mountain (grave/tomb)… But I’ll skip it (so sorry, only I cite the blog relating to Mr.Takebe) to go to the point…to find out who is Iwanaga, Kono, Takaokami …that appears in the Kifune Shrine. Surprisingly, the Water God Takaokami (strongly suggesting the trait of Prince Ea) was born from the Fire God!!! There are many stories/myths around this scene…In Nihonshoki, God Izanagi slew the “Fire God”, and this blow gave birth to 3 gods.. I’ll quote the HP of Kifune Shrine..
” Izanagi slew the god of fire, Kagutsuchi, cutting him into three pieces. One piece became the god of thunder. One piece became Oyamatsumi(Mountain god. Father of Kono/Iwanaga). And one piece became Takaokami.” Another myth tells that Takaokami(Dragon God of the Mountain) has another side/trait of the coin as the Kuraokami (Dragon God of the Abyss).. In any case, the Japanese Myth is so complicated but seems clever to show something important..
Now to Uemori’s crucial triangle.. You’ll see and instantly know what it tells… On my own, I think this figure is telling us that Iwanaga has two sides of the coin(磐長 石長), and both are equivalent to Jesus/Himiko, the one who belongs to the royal bloodline (maybe of the Star Family??) .
Tamenobu Shrine is just almost in between Jesus’s grave and Himiko’s and is also closely associated with the spot where Jesus passed away (in Okayama prefecture). Just to myself, I believe this shows that Jesus’ soul is immortal, supported by the power of Princess Iwanaga..
Also, I believe Princess Iwanaga and Queen Himiko might be the key persons in helping Kono in Mt. Fuji.. now, because Iwanaga=Himiko=Kono.., as Uemori often refers..
Looking at the contour lines, we cannot help thinking that they(those mountains) are all ARTIFICIAL….to prove Jesus’ identity???
Tamenobu Shrine proves Princess Iwanaga and Himiko/Jesus are of the same bloodline!!
I cited “Traces of the Phoenix” by Sabro Uemori