I found Mr. Ichikawa’s video very interesting on several points. Mountaintop rituals for welcoming the sun might have required small shrines. Then, these small shrines came down to the foot of the mountain to be visited by many people without going to the mountain. Thus, shrines for Shinto might have started from the “Small Shrines,” originally at the MOUNTAINTOP!! Also, we have three main traits in hiramids/pyramids.. 1. beautiful and nearly perfect corn-shaped mountain top 2 sphere-shaped sunstone surrounded by some smaller stones 3 a flat space to look over the top area (to have some feasts or parties?) (On my own, I believe these traits have some similar aspects to the Atlantic power plant.. ) In addition, Mr. Ichikawa says that pyramid mountains are connected, even if they are built in some faraway places. Furthermore, they are placed in 16 directions, radiating from Mt. Hatchiman!!, as the central point!! (in western Japan) .(Although we have other mountain groups in other areas in Japan, such as in the Tohoku area, which includes, the famous Mt. Kuromata or Mt. Minakami with many UFO sightings…) How mysterious is the allotment of these corn-shaped mountains!!, and the communicative relationships with each other among the mountaintop shrines/pyramidal mountains!! The picture on the left side is from Uemori’s 1st book, and the right one is from Sakai Katsutoki’s book!!