The great thing about Shakespeare/Neville is that he controls the layer of consciousness using the theatre system/audience. The audience comes to know everything, while the main character never..(He doesn’t have any way to know crucial information!! It is exactly like us, cut off by bad guys/ETs.) Othello and Desdemona are shut out of the way to know about the cunning lies by Iago(because of love and jealousy). But his friends- first the audience, then clever Emilia, the whistleblower, and then all the characters on the stage (except Othello and Desdemona)- know everything about Iago’s trick!! Other plays also have almost a similar structure!! Shakespeare/Neville is a genius to tell us everything about our minds, and feelings, and knows/tells us how to control our minds through multiple layers of our consciousness! Also, in his works, something like a parallel world is depicted by the two storylines, one is acted by some casual low-status common people, and the other, by those of lofty, high-status kings or queens, princes and princesses, and their friends, so beautifully!! (Shortly, these storylines of ours will merge into one???) Some say that from now on, our self-awareness/self-evaluation about ourselves will change most drastically.. In that case, we eagerly want the real author of Shakespeare’s works, Henry Neville to come up to the stage and help us..www The people in the UK, sons and daughters of Shakespearean DNA, and preserved Shakespearean invaluable plays, must have acquired the intrinsical ability to understand the power of our mind, deep down into our mind..with incredible wisdom and a sense of humor/resilience. (Though his works are a bit difficult to understand in old-style English and sorry, I, the Japanese, do not have enough knowledge to talk like this…, and I should study further.. )