Now I’ll cite Mr.Takebe, the genius!! I put his blog’s URL at the bottom.
So, it’s the contour lines that tell everything!! They never tell a single lie!! This might be one of the most astonishing discoveries of AMAZING Uemori/Mr.Takebe!! Mr.Takebe’s blog tells everything!! When I saw this blog, the pictures. and the stories/great efforts to discover him/Jesus, I came to tears… The beautiful contour lines of Jesus’ Grave tell everything to us…, and the guiding stones, probably put there by the ancient people, I might say, the members of “Team Jesus”… and.. this is connected to Himiko’s Grave by the ley line..BIG WOW!!, which means the lines to connect crucial points..
The miraculous guiding stone, Rock Combination B seems to be shouting to us with JOY!!
“You came here, at last !! Thank you!! It’s this way!!! Walk a bit more!!”
Anyway, 2015/6/14…this must have been a splendid moment of great discovery!!…/12c42ca3ccf3291629b7cc27c41d18b4