ACT II SCENE III A hall in the castle. Enter OTHELLO, DESDEMONA, CASSIO, and Attendants. …. OTHELLO Iago is most honest. … To DESDEMONA Come, my dear love, Othello is one of my favorite plays by Shakespeare/Neville. But how can he say that Iago is the most “honest” man??? while the truth is to the contrary..This is my greatest question. Why is Othello so easily fooled? Oh, one of the reasons is that he loved Desdemona too much… Whatever the reasons, when you lose judgment, Iago takes advantage of it. He ruined and destroyed all of Othello’s life. Iago is the worst villain. Othello was totally brainwashed and didn’t notice it! Later he regrets and repents with all his heart, killing Desdemona and himself due to Iago’s wrong info/lies. Othello is famously known as “one that loved not wisely, but too well”. But we will have a new era when we all love wisely and well at the same time!! We can see through lies/hypocrisy on the spot. Othello seems to tell us, “Beware of seeming friends, or you will ruin your life!” We might learn a lot from “Othello”, however time changes.