Now, this is completely my opinion again, I’m not an expert.. I was eager to know about Lake Utsu (宇宙湖), whose sound in Japanese old words means “Cosmic Lake”.. How romantic! this lake seems to have been called “Lake Utsu “, whose sound is again identical to Ms. Utsu in the UFO.. It is now known as “Lake Yamanaka” or “Oshino 8 seas”… But academia again denies the existence of this Lake Utsu. Surely, Lake Yamanaka is too shallow, to match the records in the Miyashita Document, which is considered as a forgery(false document) made up later in the modern era… In Japan, as well as in other countries, maybe we are very much confused.. Some theory is so plausible, but it might be backed up by the half-bad guys, maybe, because it will in many cases end up in a terrifying conclusion.. an explosion of Japan…like Sitchin, maybe.. Uemori has other ley lines concerning “Jyofuku Legend”. Jyofuku is a great man in China, and tried to find “immortal medicine” in Mt. Fuji… because he was ordered by Qin Shi Huang (the first emperor of unified China). It might be the best way to say, “We don’t know”, and we cannot believe the legends 100%. But again, the contour lines never lie…And at least, people in the old days were likely to have called a certain lake near Mt. Fuji, “Lake Utsu “..In any case, we will know it soon whether legends are true or not…. Uemori believes that the legend of Jofuku is about another pyramidal mountain in Shingu City, Wakayama prefecture, not Mt. Fuji and he made an Underground Palace for Qin Shi Huang in the Tango peninsula, who might be the kin of the royal family in Japan… But above all, astonishingly, Kukai’s grave, which has a contour line in the shape of a “goldfish” is connected to Mt. Fuji!!! , making a huge triangle, having “Ryu God mountain” as the top point!!!! Big Wow!! Too pinpointed not to believe… Two Ryus and Kukai (and a goldfish?) are protecting Mt. Fuji??? Maybe… This is beyond “legend”..this triangle is a fact…But what a romantic fact!!!