The concept of “ley line” is, sadly, not accepted by academia, as not scientific… saying that”ley lines” have not been scientifically verified” or “alignments of random points purely by chance”. But we can prove it is not a phenomenon of “random” choice by chance… Looking back Mr. Ichikawa’s video again, we will find another astonishing “fact” that there lies in Mt. Hachiman, a STONE that CHANGEs the “natural” magnetic field into “pinpointed” North-East, Mt. Hotatsu-direction!!! as if the stone held some strong “intention” to guide us to that direction!! (Mr.Ichikawa’s video 2 -12:50) (We, Uemori, and his team believe that it was Queen Himiko who did that by repeated prayers for peace to protect/save the Earth..) This is too mysterious… Uemori also shows in his blog/note that Queen Himiko had some ability to “magnetize” the stones…. This fact may change “random choice” into the result from some “pin-pointed/specific” choice of one “magnetized stone” in Mt. Ichikawa’s mountaintop, creating the ley line, or the starting point of the ley line… (But is it merely an overthinking/fantasy? NEVER… ) …. Uemori found another magnetizing stone, which will make water magnetized with “GOLD”!! also in Mt.Azuki, which has Queen Himiko’s grave.. This stone also has some patterns carved on the stone…Two magnetizing stones….in HANIOKA.. !! Wow!! He wrote about this stone in his note I quoted below.. But WHY?? do the 2 mysterious stones exist around Mt. Hachiman?? Too mysterious, again….