hello to all,
Been wanting to post this for a while so I decided to.
As you know for those who follow me, On October 12, 2024 I found myself molecularly transported speaking in an ark in Peru under the Nazca Plateau, I secretly wrote down what I had seen without telling anyone, and during my visit at my friend Tony Rodrigues in Sedona, we decided to experiment with remote viewing with his team and his wife Veronica, no one knew the target to look for that was in a tight envelope, that target was the arch…
Veronica found in detail what I had lived in this cave, and drew everything that was inside the lake, I mean a space arch, it was just mind-boggling as a corroboration.
There was a symbol on the ship and also inside depicting a Spiral that lit up upon my contact with my hand, I was sucked into the ship and found myself facing light beings, I heard: welcome CHASKA, the word Chaska means Say in Quechua (the ancient language of Peru) BRIGHT STAR.
Recently I found information on the Internet that leaves me speechless.
Unbelievable discoveries.
In 2017, in Puebla, Mexico, we found carved jade stones called: “The stones of the first encounter”. These are carved archaeological pieces of extraterrestrial depictions that, according to a Puebla explorer, prove the coexistence between humans and humanoids.
This jade slab was discovered by accident, during excavations, the ground collapsed and a cave was discovered with strange artifacts, local media TV etc.. we’ve made these artifacts public. Discovery at the border in the jungle of Huatusco.
The engraved jade plate depicted an Inca giving a corn spike to a star being and above them was a ship with the symbol below that I saw!!!! He is also somewhere else close to being. (ATTACHED PHOTOS)
But that’s not all… The next day, I decided to do the same experience again, and I reached out and asked if there were other arches. And suddenly a whistle popped in my 2 ears again and I found myself in red colored rocky mountains… it looked like giant ants, i recognized the place as i shot some scenes for my movie south shore origin 1 8 years ago!!! It was SEDONA, I went deep into the rock which had different layers of orange, yellow gold and red, and the signal was stronger and crystalline, and in front of me stood a huge vessel like an egg of light lying with diamond reflections, I got closer and I put my hand on the wall of the ship, the light started to reflect, it was fascinating, the ship looked alive… and I got suddenly sucked in. A very soft female voice entered my mind and said hello WO-CHI!!!! I thought, wow still the same name as in Japan, but no, it wasn’t HOSHI(Star in Japanese)but WO-CHI, but what does that mean??? So I was looking for it on the Internet and I found the meaning, WO-CHI means TRAIT OF LIGHT in NAVAJO!!!!!!! I said to the female voice, show yourself, a being of light appeared in front of me and I could not distinguish his face so much it was bright.
She tells me: We will see each other soon WO-CHI… got pulled back and felt tingling like a thousand needles in my body and I opened my eyes and a slight nausea…
Visited and had physical contact with 8 arches on earth in my lifetime 8, the number of infinity…
Some of the arches had names…
SEDONA IN THE MOUNTAINS ( to be located )
It was important to share this new information with you.
Thank you for taking the time to read.
link REMOTE VIEWING ORIGINAL video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OT17J1t0E-A
link interview with Dr. Michael Salla on remote viewing and more: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1yCXI8ggzHo&t=2597s
Hello everyone,
I’ve been meaning to do this post for a while now, so I’ve decided.
As you know for those who follow me, on October 12, 2024, I found myself molecularly transported into an ark that was in Peru under the Nazca plateau, I secretly wrote down what I had seen without telling anyone, and during my visit to my friend Tony Rodrigues in Sedona, we decided to experiment with remote viewing with his team and his wife Veronica, no one knew the target to look for which was in a tightly sealed envelope, this target was the Ark….
Veronica found out in detail what I had experienced in this cavern, and drew everything that was inside the lake, in other words a space ark, it was simply hallucinating as corroboration.
There was a symbol on the vessel and also inside representing a Spyrale which lit up when I touched it with my hand, I was sucked inside the vessel and found myself in front of beings of light, I heard: welcome CHASKA, the word Chaska means in Quechua (the ancient Peruvian language) SHINING ASTER.
I recently came across a piece of information on the internet that leaves you speechless.
Incredible discoveries.
In 2017, in Puebla, Mexico, carved jade stones called “The Stones of the First Encounter” were found. These are archaeological pieces engraved with extraterrestrial representations which, according to a Puebla explorer, are proof of coexistence between humans and humanoids.
This jade plaque was discovered by accident, during excavations when the ground collapsed and a cavern was uncovered with strange artifacts, the local media TV etc. made public these artifacts. Discovered on the border in the Huatusco jungle.
The engraved jade plaque depicted an Inca giving an ear of corn to a star being and above them stood a ship with the symbol I saw underneath!!!! It’s also elsewhere near the being.(see photo)
But that’s not all…The next day, I decided to repeat the same experience, and I lay down, I asked where there were other Arks..and suddenly a whistling sound again manifested itself in my 2 ears and I found myself in rocky mountains of red colors…it looked like giant anthills, I recognized the place, because I had shot scenes there for my film South Shore Origin 1, 8 years ago!!!! It was SEDONA, I went deep into the rock which had different layers of orange, golden yellow and red, and the signal was stronger and crystalline, and in front of me stood a huge vessel resembling an elongated egg of light with diamond reflections, I approached and put my hand on the wall of the vessel, the light began to reflect, it was fascinating, the vessel looked alive…and I was abruptly sucked inside. A very gentle female voice entered my mind and said: Hello WO-CHI !!!! I thought to myself, wow, again the same name as in Japan, but no, it wasn’t HOSHI(mean in Japanese STAR)but WO-CHI, but what did that mean??? So I looked it up on the internet and found out what it meant, WO-CHI means RAY OF LIGHT in NAVAJO!!!!!!! I said to the female voice, show yourself, a being of light appeared in front of me and I couldn’t make out his face, it was so luminous.
She said: “We’re going to meet soon WO-CHI…I was pulled back and felt tingling like thousands of needles in my body and opened my eyes, feeling slightly nauseous…
I visited and was in physical contact with 8 ARKS on earth in my life 8, the number of infinity…
Some of the ARKS had names…
It was important to share this new information with you.
Thank you for taking the time to read it. ·
See original ·
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