…/jinjagaku04.php Strangely enough, now we must go into the most prohibited area in Japan, as time is now welcoming confidential disclosure. And many Japanese people (almost all) believe that Japan is a country with many top secrets. We have a lot to hide tightly…www And, you might be arrested, or even killed.. if you blunder.. But, what if you are told, we can say goodbye to all these fears!! It’ll be like a dream world!!!! for the ones with a lot of curiosities…But for now, I cannot talk a lot.. sorry I’m a grandmother, and I have to live a bit more…www And maybe many Japanese know about Sakai Katsutoki, and his discoveries about the Japanese Pyramid… One of these is about the Hyramid(日来神宮 Sun-Welcoming-Shrine). Some say this word turned into “Pyramid”, in Giza, for example… To truly understand the miraculous power of Uemori and his co-creator, Mr.Takebe, we have to understand this theory of Hyramid⇒Pyramid first, because Uemori’s encounter with a genius, Mr.Ichikawa Shin (市川慎), who is the scientific historian who studied about Kamikawa Pyramid/Hyramid Mr. Hachiman, was one of the reasons for the kick-start of his great, huge series of discoveries.. In short, we have to know about Sakai Katsutoki, a Christian who was repeatedly oppressed and arrested, but put everything in his life for his great, quite moving discovery about the pyramids in Japan!!! I’ll post some materials to learn about the Japanese Pyramid and go to the next post about Mr. Sakai, Mr.Takebe/Uemori, and Jesus’Grave, Kamikawa, HANIOKA, but I feel I’m lacking info and knowledge and studies around Uemori-Takebe’s discoveries!! Maybe I might not be able to catch up with their discoveries, even if I used all my energies in my whole life…www Sadly, Mr. Ichikawa passed away a few years ago, and I believe we lost a great part of the Japanese Treasure.. He(Mr. Ichikawa) defines “the pyramid” as the “mountaintop area where people thank god creator by holding some holy rituals”. By this definition, maybe we can say that Japan was the first to find out the truth about the pyramid. Sakai also says that the first type of Egyptian Pyramids was covered with marble and the design of radial light… (After all, in any case, I don’t think it’s important to compete around the agenda of which one was the first pyramid, but still, maybe it’s important to learn about the Japanese pyramid…. Sorry to say, the three videos I cited Uemori’s blog about Mr. Ichikawa’s theory of the Japanese pyramid are only in Japanese… I feel I’ll (we’ll) have to translate them into English!!! and I need help… but we’ll have to wait until when the time comes without the risk of being arrested.. www Surprisingly, Sakai Katsutoki’s wiki is far from the fact, and still more, maybe intentionally, it is not translated into any language other than in Japanese!!! They want to completely (100%) hide this info from the world!!! Oh,, no…. But I know we will never back down…www Other than these, I believe in secrets about the mysterious Geoglyphs in Japan, Japanese megalithic civilization, (both on the ground and underwater including the mysterious Ogamu Letter) ancient medical skills, the interior of the Kofun(ancient tomb)all over Japan!! wow!! or a lot more wisdom of the Japanese and of the human beings of the whole world should be disclosed… but maybe mindblowing cosmic disclosure will come first in the US!!