Now, I’d like to consider Mr. Ichikawa Shin’s(市川慎)three videos about the Japanese Hyramid, which are so well organized. By understanding the development of the “shrine structure of Shintoism”, we can grasp the significance of Uemori’s discoveries. First, we have formal historical documents, like Kojiki(712) or Nihonshoki(720), edited by government officials in early 8AD. Academia does not accept or admit all others as facts/records, sadly. So, Japanese history is full of confusing chaos.. For example, as Mt. Ichikawa says in his video, there is no record of megalithic civilization in these official history books, so officially, historians never admit any artificial gigantic stones in Japan as the truth etc, etc…They are classified as fictional stories… formally.. But in truth, many huge stones are here and there, literally, ALL OVER, in the mountains, or in the forests and so on in Japan..especially.. And how/why did they carry up/move/carve/line up those huge stones to/at mountaintop?? For sure, there are certain types of technology like the megalithic civilization in Japan, which explains the reason why upright giant stones like huge, stone-sundials, or the dolmens or the lined-up/circle allotment of huge stones exist in the mountains. We can refer to lots of beautiful stones and rivers (which were intended to look artificial) in Mr. Uemori, and Mr.Takebe’s well as Ichikawa’s video…I know it is too rude to cite only a few of them… because they (the pictures) are intended to weave a beautiful, romantic story.. moving storyline of the relationship between humans and nature.. But for the time being, I will cite one or two… .. Beautiful pictures themselves tell so we cannot pretend not to see.. See the whole beautiful story about Takaboshi mountain in Mr. Takebe’s blog, I cited above…but it is just a tip of the iceberg, which he is trying to tell after his huge discoveries…