pyramid– category –
Möbius strip protects all over Japan, invalidating the “directions”??? keeping us in higher vibrations???
Now, another dynamic and incredible discovery of Amazing Uemori!! with big WOW again...It is a huge Möbius strip, over the map of Japan.. He found it along w... -
Pyramidal mountain = Kannabi mountain 神奈備山– creator gods and good Et are ready there??? my ... -
Ancient Japanese Tennos/officials knew all the secrets around Jesus and Himiko!!–left the CLUE of the riddle, pointing to Mt.Otake observation spot, Mt.Otake was... -
Pyramidal mountains in Kinki area all shows the whereabouts of Jesus and Himiko!!!!! I found another super-amazing f... -
What are pyramids’ functions ?? –benchmark and networking???
Now to the Japanese Pyramids..Before the whereabouts of the pyramids, what are pyramids' functions ?? We never know exactly.. But as a hypothesis, I'd like t... -
Firm resolution.. they decided to tell the truth to the people!!!
It's not a legend, but a legendary line or a circle... How can these important power spots of Jesus' descendants line up straight or on the beautiful right-a... -
Magnetic Stone aims at/point to Mt. Hotatsu!!!???
The concept of "ley line" is, sadly, not accepted by academia, as not scientific... saying that"ley lines" have not been scientifically verified" or "alignme... -
Mt.Hachiman with artificial traits of human creations aims at Mt. Hotatsu
Mr. Uemori's discoveries, information, and splendid answers (for the riddles) are downloaded in great unity, linking and corroborating one another. You can a... -
Queen Himiko’s Grave Entrance is like Egyptian Pyramid!!??, to Quee... -
Sumera no Mikoto=” king of Samaria” in Hebrew≒Sumer Civilization??
By the way, famously, Japanese Tenno was also called Sumera-no Mikoto, which strongly suggests Sumer Civilization, and seems to mean Sumera no Mikoto=" king ...