Japanese old history– category –
Princess Tamayori ≒ Virgin Mary??
Now I quote (from wiki), Japanese official history record(the Japanese myth), which was not always right... but now we can see the family relationship roughl... -
Kifune Shrine(貴船神社)and Princess Tamayori (玉依姫)
Speaking of the ship/boat, I visited Kifune Shrine(貴船神社) the other day with my best friend, and found another ship, covered with numerous small stones/... -
Kind ETs must have always supported us, like Utsu
I forgot to post the picture of Mt. Kurai! Including Utsu in 1803, we must change/discard our common sense that there have been no ETs in Japan/on earth, and... -
Masuda Stone Ship has something to do with Mt. Kurai(位山), where128 space people(ETs) came down in BC 3695?
https://blog.goo.ne.jp/.../%E7%9B%8A%E7%94%B0%E5%B2%A9%E8...According to amazing Uemori, Masuda Stone Ship has something to do with Mt. Kurai(位山), where ... -
Utsu=Nordic-type extraterrestrials ≒ ET on Masuda-no-iwafune?
Now I want to quote Elena's post on December 12th about Uturo bune, which arrived at the seashore in Kanto area, Japan, in 1803. Elena analyzed that this lad... -
Nara = Venus in the OFF-WORLD!!
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JIjSNzeA2og(around 20 min)The truth that Nara was named after Venus (that Elena gave us Japanese) is, I believe, so huge!! We... -
Ancient device to tell the time?
According to AMAZING!! Uemori, Mt. Kobo(astronomical observatory from old), Kobo's Kofun(Grave) ((*Kobo = Kukai's another name)), Toji Temple, and Mt. 'INASA... -
Princess Inanna?-a pot exhibited in Ina City!!
We can also find many traces of Inanna in Japan. One example is at the museum in 'Ina City', in Nagano prefecture.(伊那市 長野県) Looking at this pot, we c... -
Fujiwara Kiyohira(1056-1128), nice guy!!
A bit too abrupt, but Fujiwara Kiyohira(1056-1128) was so kind and brave, and he might have built Chuson-ji Konjikido (Golden Hall) for all the people who lo... -
Who is who???
Summing up, according to the info from all of my friends, and my mentor esp. Uemori and Elena,Dainichi Nyorai(大日如来)= Fudo Myoo(不動明王)= Kukai = U...