essays– category –
Moses’ copper snake on the Pole!!-HIS SUPERPOWER!! WOW!!"Traces of the Phoenix" p61!!! I was so surpr... -
Difference between East and West about RYU…
Now I want to refer to a definite difference between East and West. It's about RYU...The Eastern dragon is a god of water, a god who brings rain. In contras... -
Möbius strip protects all over Japan, invalidating the “directions”??? keeping us in higher vibrations???
Now, another dynamic and incredible discovery of Amazing Uemori!! with big WOW again...It is a huge Möbius strip, over the map of Japan.. He found it along w... -
What are pyramids’ functions ?? –benchmark and networking???
Now to the Japanese Pyramids..Before the whereabouts of the pyramids, what are pyramids' functions ?? We never know exactly.. But as a hypothesis, I'd like t... -
Firm resolution.. they decided to tell the truth to the people!!!
It's not a legend, but a legendary line or a circle... How can these important power spots of Jesus' descendants line up straight or on the beautiful right-a... -
Master Kukai has been protecting Mt.Fuji???, this is completely my opinion ... -
Oshirarama legend tells us the Huge Love/Resilience, even after she died..
Now I have come up with my idea, not other people's, but only my own.. We have to classify what type/kind of bullying we have had...www. Also, classify how w... -
Huge stones are here and there, literally, ALL OVER JAPAN!!, I'd like to consider Mr. Ichikawa Shin's(市川慎)three videos about the Japanese Hyramid, which ... -
So many Kanji Characters to depict the sound”Ki”
About "Kibune"!! We have so many Kanji Characters to depict the sound"Ki", which forms the pun..www In the case of Kibune Shrine, we can feel the ambiguity l... -
On Dani’s Channel, we know Nikola Tesla=from Venus ; Uemori =”Phoenix Code” holder…
Today, I'll go to other shrines. The other day, Dr. Michael Salla and Elena disclosed on Dani Henderson's YouTube channel that Nikola Tesla, the famous man w...