RIVE SUD Origine – Film-Documentaire inspiré de faits réels ALIEN CONNECTION Season 3 Episode 1 1)(Antarctic mystery) Video capsules on Alien Phenomena, Intra-terrestrial, inter-dimensional, UFOs, OANIS and everything related to Close contacts of the 3rd, 4.5 type etc… these videos speak especially about the life of Jean-Charles Moyen and his contacts and experiences with beings of the cosmos from his childhood until now. For more information and revelations about my life: www.jcmoyen.com ALIEN CONNECTION Season 3 Episode 1 1)(Mystery in Antarctica) Video capsules on extraterrestrial phenomena, inter-dimensional phenomena, UFOs, USOs and everything related to close contacts of the 3rd, 4th, 5th type etc… these videos focus particularly on the life of Jean-Charles Moyen and his contacts and experiences with cosmos since his childhood until now. For more information and revelations about my life: www.jcmoyen.com/en