Now, about En no Gyojya(役行者 practitioner of mountain austerities, Prince Shotoku’s 2nd son, Ayanomiko(漢皇子)of the royal family, according to Uemori, and also trained in many mountains, such as in Mt.Ikoma as we have already seen)!! He also has many famous mysterious legends! It is said that in 699, he was exiled to Izu Island(伊豆)(although he was of the royal family, maybe this truth was concealed), and on that occasion, he WALKED on the SEA!! every night to visit and climb up Mt. Fuji, and return to his jail!!! for the training!! (Or another story says he flew up.) It is interesting to know that in the same year, 699, Mt.Fuji Omuro Shrine was built 富士山御室神社. This story is too suggestive in many ways!! The famous one in the world who can walk on the sea is… Jesus himself!! as we can refer to the Biblical record… Secondly, En no Gyojya is beloved Shotoku’s son (according to Uemori). Thirdly, he might also have flown up Mt. Fuji, which suggests some flying vehicle.., like that of Prince Shotoku..both on the royal bloodline.. Maybe someone might have wanted to hand down some info about their (royal DNA’s) supernatural ability to the people… Even Wiki has such a strange explanation for him, like this.. “Due to his mythical status as a mountain saint, he was believed to possess many supernatural powers”.Both father (Shotoku) and his son (En no Gyojya) , two great heroes in Japan, both real persons, have to do with this mythical mountain, Mt. Fuji, and still officially, they are concealed.., like the Bible’s hiding the ET existence/info, but sometimes rather showing as an important fact… This is too mysterious again, but now the time might have come, at last, to know everything…about these two, too energetic persons…