About “Kibune”!! We have so many Kanji Characters to depict the sound”Ki”, which forms the pun..www In the case of Kibune Shrine, we can feel the ambiguity like 木(wood), 黄(yellow, gold), 貴(aristocrats, noble). And now, we can add the meaning for Ki=the Earth!! thanks to Elena!! We are the children of “Ki”… Kibune Shrine’s naming is so great!!! Something might be there to give the ship the power of Earth itself!!! And “Kibune” might have some deeper meaning… From there, we can open up some portal to the universe?? like on a delegation ship to other stars?? When Tamayori /Virgin Mary is among Star Families, that is quite possible…isn’t it?? Like an amphibious ship, or more, sea-mountain-river-sky, in short, the spaceship? , which functions Thunderbird 1 to 7!!?? in ONE ship???(Thunderbird7 is the Japanese plastic model.. doesn’t appear in the movie/video.. www)