We also have an “indoor” MIROKUBOSATSU, who is overwhelmingly beautiful, in Koryuji, Kyoto! (京都 広隆寺) I was moved to tears, before this elegant Buddha! I thought I’d like to be with this one… forever… On my own, seeing this, I felt Prince Shotoku, who is also among the royal/Jesus’ bloodline. According to Uemori, in truth, Prince Shotoku=Kogyoku Tenno皇極天皇=Soga-no Iruka蘇我入鹿 (this truth might be also mindblowing… in that case, you can refer to his book directly, or see his videos, or go to his seminar….) it is too complicated. The trouble/amazement is that in many cases, Japanese official history is covered up tightly and extensively to conceal some important but inconvenient (for the ruler) truth!! So, this BOSATSU in Kyoto might have some traits of Jesus?? or look like Jesus??? of Jesus himself??