Kurama Temple (鞍馬寺)is so mysterious a spot, and according to Elena, Tengu, underground people, have been protecting crystal technology in the deep underground world, just UNDER the symbol of a mysterious triangle!! WOW!! It’s the precinct’s power spot of Kurama Temple, and she/Elena felt it!, which proves it is an astonishing, but profound truth!! I was so surprised to hear this through Elena/Miyoko’s video!! Still more surprising is the historical legend of Mt. Kurama/Kurama Dera. An excellent disciple of Ganjin, called Saint Gancho(鑑禎上人) opened Kurama Temple because he had a strange dream!! The dream said, “Tomorrow you will have some miracle!” In truth, the next day, ‘a white horse with a saddle’ appears in front of him, and the horse guided him to the spot of the present Kurama Temple..( “Kura 鞍” means saddle in Japanese) … Was it the guide from the space people from Venus??? I’m so eager to know…www https://www.kuramadera.or.jp/rekishi.html https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YkmIuQDeDqs&t=1194s