We often hear that there are “pyramids” here and there in Japan, in the shape of mountains. So many pyramidal, beautifully corn-shaped mountains exist in Japan. But why was Nara chosen by the space people from Venus, etc?? In fact, some say in the ancient period, the Nara district was a huge sea/lake! , which now makes vast flat land. Mt. Ikoma, which falls onto Alnilam in Uemori’s Orion-Japan theory, has been the island since then, and a great POWER SPOT, full of energy!! This geographic trait in Nara might be much like Atlaa?, the town/capital of Atlantis, a long time ago, which Elena often shows us. But it might be my (earthling’s) overthinking..www I cited this splendid map from the blog below. http://ikomashinwa.cocolog-nifty.com/…/07/post-36cd.html