金色姫 Golden Princess gave us the cosmic technology of making silk(the silkworm-raising industry)!

Before stepping into the mindblowing, precious info by Elena/Stef/Miyoko, I’d like to think about Shofukuji Temple (星福寺), in Kamisu City Ibaraki prefecture(茨城県神栖市) , whose Kanji means “Star-Happiness” Temple.. I visited there the other day. Utsu in 1803 also is said to have visited this temple and was helped by them. I was so impressed to see the beautiful design of this temple. My photo is not very nice, as always, so together with my photo, I’ll cite a beautiful/mysterious blog about this temple!! full of many beautiful pictures. There are mainly 2 legends about Konjiki Princess(金色姫 Golden Princess), who came to Japan in ancient days to help people with the cosmic technology of making silk(the silkworm-raising industry). The first one says she was hated by her mother-in-law and was expelled as many as 3 times, but survived, and at last, in 286 BC from India, was washed ashore near this temple, helped by the fishers, but passed away. The second one is the legend that around 6th century AD, this princess brought the technology of making silk from India to this region, Nikkawa, Kamisu Town, and this technology spread to make people happy..