Today, I’ll go to other shrines. The other day, Dr. Michael Salla and Elena disclosed on Dani Henderson’s YouTube channel that Nikola Tesla, the famous man who helped humanity, was also from Venus, like Bisyamonten!!! He was a genius who invented many devices, such as free energy or protective barriers/shields. Also, Elena said Jesus is ONE good example of the envoy program. We should not be too sensational or think this is a rare case. We have numerous similar courageous envoys who came all the way to help humanity. I don’t believe Japan is too special or too “excellent.” I often/mainly show the ideas of “Mr. Uemori”, not my “original” ideas, so I’m so glad if you also see his blog!! It’s mainly about Jesus’ descendants (royal families).. and don’t miss his other useful info to help humanity, which he downloads every day, as the “Phoenix Code”.