Japanese LANDNAME is often so mysterious!! We often hear that Princess Inanna and “Ina” City(伊那) in Nagano Prefecture, Japan, are closely related. Princess Inanna(Greek goddess Aphrodite, Roman goddess Venus, etc) is also said to be closely related to the planet Venus. It might be associated with Elena’s discovery that Bisyamonten in Kurama temple is from Venus!!! My hunch is that the Japanese Kanji character, 那 (na) for Ina, 奈(na) for 奈良” Nara” or na (名)for Nagoya(名古屋), and so on might also be related to her, and especially around the River Kiso(木曽川), the River Tenryu (天竜川; Heaven’s Ryu River) running near/through Ina district, or even the Nakagawa (那珂川)in Kanto area might also be related to her!! It is not a special case for Japan, but we can infer that Inanna, Prince Ea, or maybe Enril are closely associated with terraforming? for all over Japan and all over the world. I believe especially Inanna is/has been loved by the Japanese people.. because of her deep love for people and her beauty, of course.. Maybe, many people might have already found out about the association between the Japanese land(name) and Princess Inanna or Prince Ea.. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kv0zT4KSJKQ&t=1120s