Elena visited Japan twice, and one of the reasons for her coming was to see the Great Buddha. Her experience in front of it was crucial for all humanity. The discovery of compassion!!! Other than this, this video had so many discoveries about Japan. We Japanese will come to cherish all her experiences in Japan this time, I’ll assure you. This is the 7 lucky gods and their true identity!! shown by Uemori/Kukai. Moses appears twice as another entity because he came to Japan 3 times in trying to build the ideal country in Japan!! Also, owing to Elena’s splendid intellect/insight, I (we) now know that Bishamon-Ten is from Venus, and his other name is Prince EA!!! This is the disclosure concerning the truth of the Universe!! You should watch the videos below(the previous post) in detail!!!According to amazing Uemori, Bishamon-Ten,(毘沙門天 equivalent to Vishnu/Brahma/Shiva) is also among(one of the members) the Seven Lucky Gods, who are greatly loved by and familiar with the Japanese!!!!!! He also holds other names, AME-NO- HIBOKO(天之日矛)from Korea or Son-Go-Ku(孫悟空 famous in Japan’s anime/manga) from China, and is a great hero who helps people. Also, these seven gods are the family/friends of Jesus, and Uemori introduces Bishamon-Ten as one of the 9 immortalities in China. He protects Kamikawa!!! or Queen Himiko(Mt. Hachiman) in Hyogo prefecture(兵庫県), Japan, with other Jesus’ friends/relatives/families. You can see the detail in Uemori’s picture book, “Traces of the Phoenix”. …And Bishamonten is from Venus!! and at Kurama temple(鞍馬寺). What a huge DISCLOSURE in Japan!! I was astonished and beside myself with JOY!!! Thank you, Elena!! as always!! I myself, am planning to go to this temple soon to feel the good/mysterious vibe!!! and to meet this Bishamon-Ten!!! See also, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YkmIuQDeDqs… https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JIjSNzeA2og&t=0shttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kv0zT4KSJKQ&t=1120s https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JIjSNzeA2og&t=0s https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YkmIuQDeDqs&t=161s この動画を繰り返し見ています。大変なことだと思っています。日本の宝物だと思います。 I repeatedly watch these videos. These are the treasures of Japan!!奈良の大仏さまをご覧になりたいということも理由のひとつとして二回も日本に足を運ばれたエレナさんですが、大仏さまを見て、心から感動なさったようでして、私たちは、そこに感動してしまいます!共感のエネルギーが日本には溢れているのですね。エレナさんを通じて、日本人が日本を再発見できる機会にもなると思います。また、これは日本における宇宙の真実の開示でもあると思います。時代を変える、すばらしい動画だと思います。また、佐野先生のすばらしい快挙だとも思います!!感謝。以下に上森社長の指摘する7福神(英語)を掲載します。エレナさんの見識により、毘沙門天が金星とも関連があり、しかも三位一体、ブラフマー、ヴィシュヌ、シヴァの3柱、すなわちEA王子に当たる存在であることであることがわかります!!日本にとっての大発見につながると思います!!なお、上森さまの告げる真実としてモーセさまが七福神の二柱として同じ名前で登場するのは、モーセさまが三回日本に見えて、何度も日本を理想郷にしようとトライした結果ということです。