I like the picture of Mt. Fuji taken from 新倉富士浅間神社 Arakura Fuji Sengen Shrine. There is a beautiful Torii there…click here for Torii there. https://jinjamemo.com/archives/post-2000.html 未分類 よかったらシェアしてね! URLをコピーしました! Kukai had to hide all those classified top secrets!! About Jesus, maybe.. The mysterious crest(mark) for Toji Temple called '8 clouds' Crest' 関連記事 Honen (法然), who started a new way to save other people, JYODO sect (浄土宗)in..”1175!!!” 2024年10月17日 Kunisaki Peninsula’s shape depicts people’s pineal gland!Katakamuna’s expert Tendo-Ninmon never stops going FORWARD! 2024年10月12日