In the 1st place, in Wiki, Kukai is explained as follows. “弘法大師, “The Grand Master who Propagated the Dharma”), was a Japanese Buddhist monk, calligrapher, and poet who founded the esoteric Shingon school of Buddhism” And, esoteric/secret? Buddhism is also explained as “Tantric Buddhism”. Tantra respects Shiva’s wife. But one of the Myoo(明王)among Godai Myoo (Five Great Myoo) stamps on Shiva and Shiva’s wife. Isn’t it a huge contradiction to Kukai’s way of thinking that respects Hindus? Also, the main Myoo among the Five Great Myoo(Fudo Myoo不動明王) is said to be the incarnation of Shiva himself!! Isn’t it too confusing? Or is it an intentional contradiction to make the double meaning or ambiguity, often used in many literary works..( such as in Shakespearean works…) Anyway, Shive’s wife’s left hand softly supports the stamping leg of the brutal Myoo. The act of “stamping” itself might have a hidden (good?) meaning? I don’t know. My friend kindly pointed out that according to Uemori, Shiva=the king of the Ephraim. He also says that Jesus is the descendant of the Ephraim Tribe, on of theTwelve Tribes of Israel.…/%E6%9D%B1%E5%AF%BA%E5%B0%8F%E7…/…