Dépêche-toi ! … so I’d like to tell you about Honen (法然), who started a new way to save other people, JYODO sect (浄土宗)in..”1175!!!” He left many pictures to show his way of life, in Chi-on in(知恩院), Kyoto. But, we cannot see them so easily, and ..sadly Mandara. because it is the HIDDEN IMAGES or PICTURES, and are usually kept in the repository. Or, some treasures are kept in the national museum in Ueno, Tokyo.. You can also rely on the specialist…The point of this JYODO sect is to chant the key words, “NUM AMI DA BUTU”南無阿弥陀仏!! I believe, NUM is the name of the great off-world people, and mother to all the beings!! And ami means friend in French. Are they all mere coincidences?? I don’t know… And I believe this Honen had some contacts with off-world ETs.