Now, I have to write about the true author of all Shakespearean Works, Henry Neville!! I majored in “Shakespearean Comedy”, and people on earth I believe, will come to read all the works of BRENDA JAMES, who I believe is another most courageous heroine in the world!!!! Henry Neville wrote all Shakespearean Works!! to attain World Peace. As a diplomat, he tried to end the long horrible wars between France and Britain! As an educator, he started public education(because education was only for the aristocrats, so he wanted to give information to all), as a politician, he started democracy. As a town builder, he improved the flow of the River Thames! He might even have come to Japan!! Brenda says, that Willam Adams(三浦按針), the first English man to come to Japan, was Henry’s kin. And, maybe above all, he made us LAUGH!!! ( I surmise, WH, the dedicatee in Sonnet Dedication is White Hat! ) “The Twelfth Night”, his cynical comedy, and all his work written around the year 1600, might symbolize something crucial, when we look at it from the present viewpoint!!, somehow related to the disclosure now. He might have known everything!! And I believe Willam Adams designed the town, of Tokyo, in the Edo period, with Tokugawa Ieyasu(another Jeshua).