“Traces of the Phoenix” p61 Again!!! I was so surprised when I first saw this!! We have an amazingly huge Tree of Life in western Japan!! , which is very much similar to Moses’ copper snake on the Pole!! Wow again!! WHY?? …This might make us think of the possibility of Moses having been here in Japan….. It might be just my imagination.. We have Good Snake as Dan Tribe’s Grave in Hanioka district and isn’t it like “Good God/ETs vs. Bad God/Ets…In the Bible’s Old Testament,” Numbers”, we have a famous story about the copper snake, which Moses and the good God made with their superpower to save people from killing(massacre) by the other bad God(ET??), sending many poisonous snakes??? It goes, ”Moses made a copper serpent and mounted it on a pole; and when bitten by a poisonous snake, anyone who looked at the copper serpent would recover.” The power to RECOVER and LIVE.. How great Moses is!! , who had many kinds of superpowers.. (like dividing sea water, and miraculous burning bush..) the Dan Tribe in the Hanioka district is surely protecting Hanioka…and us.. Snakes in the Bible seem to have the imagery of power, immortality, and great wisdom… And this good snake and tortoise appear identical to(same with) the “RYU”…saving people and good guys, Jesus families…. when we “LOOK UP” having hope for the good things to happen…??? Also, Moses’ trademark is the tortoise in Japan… And the poisonous snakes were bad ETs??? Then, we might be able to infer that there are two types of the RYUs. The evil one eating people, and the bad ones to save people… Are they all a Yin-yang phenomenon???