Now I have come up with my idea, not other people’s, but only my own.. We have to classify what type/kind of bullying we have had…www. Also, classify how we overcame it!! (Namely, legends and folklore are good clues to know their mean ways to do it secretly…) Because, maybe bad guys/ETs have done it in many ways, directly, invisibly, behind our back, personally to us all!! (does it sound crazy?? maybe never.. it is time we had clear-cut consciousness of their(bad GUY’s and ET’s) bullying..Their way is to split us in two, and force us to fight each other!! Golden Princess was bullied in many ways, but she never backed down.. Likewise, the Oshirarama legend tells about the sad girl who loved her horse dearly but her father killed his horse.. and she flew up (again flying www) with the horse’s head, and became the god of sericulture..And she tells her father how to make silk out of silkworms!! How clever, and unselfish she is!!.. etc. And the horse is one of the symbols of Jesus… (Maybe it suggests she loves Jesus or a Jesus-like character…) The one who bullied the others is not always the thoroughly evil person.. Bad ETs are good at splitting our societies into two and laying the blame on to the other faction, even if we had been so close or loving each other!! It is all the more cruel… So, Macbeth is a villain but has a conscience. (Some bad ETs (like the witch) might have forced him to do so…) You might think it’s too far fetching but it might be possible that someone behind us invisibly creates some conflicts between us… Or, explicitly kill us brutally.. They may have many ways to deceive us, in any case.. It is high time we found out what they(bad guys and ETs) did to us. The biggest example I think is Ame-no-Koyane, who Uemori says is the ancestor of Fujiwara clan, and almost all of the Japanese are his descendants… He killed Queen Himiko, putting her into the cave, and closed the entrance with a huge stone…(天の岩戸伝説)with some political reasons. After that, he bitterly regretted what he had done. It is only my hunch but he must have been provoked by someone. And I think it is the way of bad Guys/Ets which they don’t get their hands dirty… By the way, Joshua is the way Jesus is called in Mesopotamia, and in Japanese, the sound of “Joshua”(よっしゃ!)is some positive yell/shout, which means, “Okay, then” “All right” “Let’s do it now!!” Jesus might be so active a man… but his descendants might have been bullied in many cruel ways… I think that was the very truth that Uemori heard.. Maybe he is not channeling or even downloading, but hearing and or seeing directly and clearly. Because someone (from the invisible world?? up? from past/future??) catches his excellent abilities and wants him to know the truth, to help us… We should ask him directly. He is so honestly only doing what he should do. …..I think he is so brave!!