Now, I’m so impressed with this beautiful video, Empress Komyo, and her strong wish for peace and happiness for humanity, and Kairyu Ou-King/(God of the Sea in the figure of Ryu under the sea) 海龍王 and Kairyuu O kyo(script)海龍王経. I was astounded to know he is the King of RYUGUJYO(竜宮城 the Palace of the Dragon King of the Sea under the sea). I guess this king might be Prince Ea.. although it’s merely my hunch… www It will be so emotional if it turns out to be true… (Now, I happen to be very much interested in checking Uemori’s blog about Moses, and he is closely related to our beloved folk tale, “Urashima Taro(male)”, which Kukai must have made and the hero Taro in this story goes to this RYUGUJYO palace!!! underwater!! ) Now, I’m eager to go to this temple… to meet Empress Komyo…(I’m very happy/lucky to be Japanese…) if only I had no routine for my work…www In the first place, this temple was made to protect the PEOPLE in Nara… the mysterious place where the technologies of Atlantis might have been there. Empress Komyo’s graceful and decided consciousness to save people is expressed in the Kannon Image (Buddha Statue)that she made/carved HERSELF!! Her right-hand shows her strong/tight DETERMINATION, hard as a “diamond” to save all humanity!! In her legend, she saved as many as 1,000 people with disease, including even Akṣobhya. It is so beautiful!!! Empress Komyo is said to be Fujiwara Fuhito’s daughter, but in fact, she is in the bloodline of Jesus.. The DNA baton passed by Jesus is as follows—(Jesus-)–Princess Shotoku-En-no Gyojya-Gyoki-Empress Komyo,(聖徳太子ー役行者ー行基ー光明皇后) as Uemori/Mr.Yano showed this in their beautiful video.. The message of this temple, “Let’s go forward!” is also in the perfect timing now…Komyo eagerly wants to help us, maybe…The message of love in Kannon’s image made by her saves/encourages us all the time….and also FUDOMYOO(不動明王)the incarnation of DAINICHINYORAI(大日如来), who is strongly suggestive of Ea, like Poseidon, is also in this temple… Wow.. Stong and tight determination for peace must be needed for us NOW, and she might be telling it to us…