Now I found this video super-crucial to understanding our true history!! I am always astonished to know Uemori’s depth, and his co-creator, Mr. Yano made this beautiful video also with deep understanding/wisdom!! Empress Komyo(光明皇后)is a legendary empress, who saved 1,000 people with huge love!! and the last one who was saved from his serious disease was truly, Akshobhya in his true identity, and said to have “disappeared” after he was cured…too mysterious… Around Komyo, many mysterious and great people and… mysterious Japanese pyramid gather altogether!! Kibi no Makibi(Kukai’s father) , who made Kumayama ruins/pyramid, and Joe/Hermit Hodo(定恵/法道仙人), who is really among the royal bloodline.. and Ennin, another great monk, Kukai’s kin… Joe/Hermit Hodo is also a legendary person, who is said to have met Bisyamonten, coming from the sky, riding on the violet cloud!, Or he came on it!!! Too mysterious… He made many famous shrines/temples… I can’t explain in this short writing… so I’ll study more… let me take my time to think it over.. But I thought this is so urgent for now..Bisyamonten, Empress Komyo, Hermit Hodo, Kibino Makibi(Kukai)..Ennnin..毘沙門天、光明皇后、定恵=法道仙人、吉備真備、円仁、空海 Those are the people I feel so eager to help us, now..and the pyramids are, Kumayama Ruin熊山遺跡, Zuto頭塔 and Doto土塔. Sorry, this is so understandable only to the Japanese… I want to translate it further….