Now I’m trying to write about Hermit Hodo(法道仙人), who is, according to amazing Uemori, equivalent to Joue(定恵).. but, I found another amazing info again, from his blog!!! The story of Princess Kaguya(かぐや姫) in Taketori Story (竹取物語) was made by Master Kukai himself!!! I noticed important info.. in Uemori’s Blog/Books!!! Princess Seoritsu=Princess Kaguya=Queen Himiko=Benzaiten=Sarasvati(=Princess Kono, Iwanaga or Princess Ichikishima) . 瀬織津姫=かぐや姫=卑弥呼=弁財天≒木花之佐久夜毘売=石長比売=市杵島姫命…/8e05e197a80136439ef0401730fe0b3e I wrote before that the story of Princess Kaguya has different versions.. Amazing Uemori had proven that these princesses above are all different versions of the story of Queen Himiko!! told by Master Kukai!! around in 2016… I will cite beautiful triangles in 21p of The Traces of the Phoenix.. Chikubu Island is the clue as its kanji tells us.. 竹生島 竹 means bamboo and 生means. life, or “was born”.and. Princess Kaguya was said to have been born from the bamboo.!!!!.. Furthermore, Uemori says, on 2017/7/17 that “((Princess Kaguya was) born from a bamboo tree” means Queen Himiko was born in ancient Takeno(because take means bamboo in Japanese) , present Mt. Azuki in Kasumi, Hyogo prefecture… そうそう、竹から生まれたとは、古代竹野と呼ばれていた、香住の庵月山で生まれたことを教えていましたよ、卑弥呼さんは。 The triangles taught by Master Kukai to Uemori tell us the classified?? secrets!!! Again, how astonishing!!! Wow!! Furthermore, when one prays at Tsubaki Shrine, it aims at the direction of this Chikubu Island Hogonji Temple… And the flower TSUBAKI-camellia is the trademark of Queen Himiko!!! In this case, the benchmark/the witness who testifies is both the flower camellia(Himiko’s trait) and the Kozu Island!!! , and Kozu means “Gods gathers”… This triangle is so clever…Seoritsu and Himiko and Chikubu Island form a mysterious isosceles triangle, looking like Princess Kaguya is reaching out both hands of hers to hold two other noble and beautiful ladies’ hand tight!! but the two might be other figures of “herself”?? How emotional… Maybe, Kukai intended to tell the people about Queen Himiko, and wanted never to forget about her!!! both by the triangles and by the legends.. this is so/too well done… But did he imagine many UFOs coming to the Earth/Japan??? or to Mt. Fuji, where Kono or Kaguya resides??? Oh, Kukai might be surprised to know that… By the way, mysteriously, many Japanese note that AWAJI Island, which is said to have been made first in Japan (in Japanese myth), and Lake BIWA, where Sarasvati arrived first, are almost in the same shape!! Like some God created both in the same shape intentionally and artificially? But for what? We never know. What an astonishing country Japan is!!! And who on earth is this Princess Kaguya/Himiko/Seoritsu/Kono/Iwanaga?? We might know this soon…after some disclosure around Uemori… in that case… it will be so/too impressive!! I know well that Mr. Uemori, Takebe, and Uemori’s team made so much effort to find these truths… visiting all the mountains whose info he got. I’m so thankful…