2025年1月– date –
The Whole Areas around Hanioka no Sato = ONE HUGE SHRINE!!!!
***About Himeji Castle 姫路城.. 姫 means "princess", and 路 means "way, road"... which makes Himiji Castle some "way to lead to Princess". I believe this mea... -
Too shiny golden Buddha attracts Komyo, En-no Gyojya, Gyoki, and all!!
https://blog.goo.ne.jp/.../2fbd8580d4307a31ec86c8b2126150eehttp://www.buddha-world.jp/file/navi/data/10ko37.htm...https://note.com/kagome1248/n/ne0df73b7bf78... -
Empress Komyo(光明皇后)holds the KEY to Peaceful World!!
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d90uLUDla5E&t=43sNow I found this video super-crucial to understanding our true history!! I am always astonished to know ... -
You can refer to amazing Uemori!! directly!!! Videos, blogs, note, books!!
So, I'll post this... to refer directly to Uemori!!! https://tt-c.info/?pid=173074325 https://blog.goo.ne.jp/kagome1248 https://www.youtube.com/@torusterafig... -
J.C. Moyan helped Ms.Pataki, Children!! plus his great discovery at Naska!! in Dr. Salla’s Channel!!!
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1yCXI8ggzHo&t=1683sI watched this in the original to "feel" it truly... Sometimes, when we have enough time, we should se... -
Princess Seoritsu=Princess Kaguya=Queen Himiko=Benzaiten=Sarasvati(=Princess Kono, Iwanaga or Princess Ichikishima) . 瀬織津姫=かぐや姫=卑弥呼=弁財天≒木花之佐久夜毘売=石長比売=市杵島姫命
Now I'm trying to write about Hermit Hodo(法道仙人), who is, according to amazing Uemori, equivalent to Joue(定恵).. but, I found another amazing info ag... -
Jean Charles Moyan 34 years ago!!
Many things come out on big day... A portable laser... this reminds me of what happened to me 34 years ago, and that which was used against me was little, An... -
Pagodas/stupas tell us the spot where Jesus’ Grave lies!!!!!
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/StupaFrankly, I'm just on my way to learning Japanese history and learning a lot from my mentor, Uemori. In his beautiful secon... -
This is where Queen Himiko lived when young!!
This is where Queen Himiko lived when young!! She must be a beautiful and warm-hearted person, full of love and lofty ideals to save all the people on Earth!... -
The bridge between this world and the next world
Today, after watching Miyoko Angel's video, and knowing about DEW (Direct Energy Weapons) again used in the U.S., I was full of deep sadness and would like t...