2024年– date –
Ueno National Museum’s Toji’s special event and Mandara 2019
https://www.tnm.jp/modules/r_free_page/index.php?id=1938...Toji is too mysterious. In 2019, I went to Ueno National Museum's special event and met Mandara LI... -
My Draft of Uemori’s 4th book about Kukai
Someone tells me that I have to move fast. I don't know why. This is only my draft. I haven't taken the OK from Uemori.. but it's almost November... I'll pos... -
Ask whom? to solve the riddles?? Maybe Kukai, and Mr. Uemori..
After repeatedly seeing the 3DCG of Kukai's huge work of Toji, I thought we should ask Kukai himself for a helping hand to solve riddles. He is telling us so... -
Are Honen (法然), the three great Buddhas star people with helmets??
When the great Buddhist monk, Honen (法然)died, the three great Buddhas are said to have visited to show the way to the heaven/space world, whose names are... -
Honen (法然), who started a new way to save other people, JYODO sect (浄土宗)in..”1175!!!”
https://www.chion-in.or.jp/en/Dépêche-toi ! ... so I'd like to tell you about Honen (法然), who started a new way to save other people, JYODO sect (浄土宗... -
Tyusonji Temple..(平泉中尊寺), full of gold in the TOHOKU AREA near SENDAI
Surprisingly, I just "happened to" find out the 3D Mandara video... I don't know why. I knew Kukai is too mysterious... And next, about Tyusonji Temple..(平... -
Toji (東寺)”Rittai Mandara” (立体曼荼羅) made by Kukai near Kyoto Station!
Now I'm making my own HP in WordPress, which takes me a lot of time. But somehow, they say I must write about "Rittai Mandara" (立体曼荼羅) made by Kukai. ... -
“Donate a little bit? of our MERITS to the world”
"All you have to do is to pay attention to the better/white part of yours!", someone, somehow encourages me like this. Being all to myself is so easy and saf... -
“A Midsummer Night’s Dream” by Shakespeare/Neville is like the recent movie “Matrix”!!
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/A_Midsummer_Night%27s_DreamThe evidence that Neville is someone like the Starseed, is here. About "A Midsummer Night's Dream" b... -
“Turandot” bridges the East and the West
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/TurandotI believe "Turandot" bridges the East and the West. In Japan, we have similar stories for the Princess' groom selection...