2024年12月14日– date –
JESUS ANSWERED TO AMAZING ELENA’S WISH??????? in front of the Great Buddha???
This is all Uemori's discovery!! The Great Buddha is in a crucial spot, closely related to Jesus' grave, famous shrines, temples, mountains, the spots of Jes... -
Bishamonten is equivalent to Shiva, Vishnu, and Brahma, aka Prince EA
奈良の大仏さまをご覧になりたいということも理由のひとつとして二回も日本に足を運ばれたエレナさんですが、大仏さまを見て、心から感動なさったようでして、私たちは... -
The most exquisite ways to define what compassion is — Great Buddha tells us NOW!! Don’t be afraid, Your Wish is Granted!!
Our beloved Elena's greatest discovery in front of the Great Buddha in Nara/Venus overwhelmingly occupies my mind.. The most exquisite way to define what com... -
Elena Danaan’s Great Discovery; Compassion– in front of Great Buddha in Nara, JAPAN!!