2024年10月– date –
Honen (法然), who started a new way to save other people, JYODO sect (浄土宗)in..”1175!!!”
https://www.chion-in.or.jp/en/Dépêche-toi ! ... so I'd like to tell you about Honen (法然), who started a new way to save other people, JYODO sect (浄土宗... -
Tyusonji Temple..(平泉中尊寺), full of gold in the TOHOKU AREA near SENDAI
Surprisingly, I just "happened to" find out the 3D Mandara video... I don't know why. I knew Kukai is too mysterious... And next, about Tyusonji Temple..(平... -
Toji (東寺)”Rittai Mandara” (立体曼荼羅) made by Kukai near Kyoto Station!
Now I'm making my own HP in WordPress, which takes me a lot of time. But somehow, they say I must write about "Rittai Mandara" (立体曼荼羅) made by Kukai. ... -
“Donate a little bit? of our MERITS to the world”
"All you have to do is to pay attention to the better/white part of yours!", someone, somehow encourages me like this. Being all to myself is so easy and saf... -
“A Midsummer Night’s Dream” by Shakespeare/Neville is like the recent movie “Matrix”!!
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/A_Midsummer_Night%27s_DreamThe evidence that Neville is someone like the Starseed, is here. About "A Midsummer Night's Dream" b... -
“Turandot” bridges the East and the West
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/TurandotI believe "Turandot" bridges the East and the West. In Japan, we have similar stories for the Princess' groom selection... -
“Understanding the Invisible Shakespeare”! including his seeing UFO?? maybe??
After seeing my post, now I noticed, that the shape of this whole dedication itself (in 144 letters) looks like UFO saucer!!! Lovely!! the ONLIE BEGETTER is ... -
Brenda decoded the code hidden in the Sonnets Dedication, in her 2nd book
About Henry Neville. I translated all the 3 works of Brenda James into Japanese while working as a teacher. Her 2nd work is especially incredible. She decode... -
BRENDA JAMES, courageous heroine in the world!!!! says Henry Neville wrote all Shakespearean Works!! to attain World Peace.
Now, I have to write about the true author of all Shakespearean Works, Henry Neville!! I majored in "Shakespearean Comedy", and people on earth I believe, wi... -
Japan is protected in many ways…
In short, Japan is protected vertically by the Three Sacred Treasures, and horizontally by the triangle of Utsu-Ikisu(Jesus?)-Mt.Fuji-Abraham(named Mt.Comma ...