2024年10月– date –
The rainbow 9 years after that great disaster in Tohoku
I somehow discovered the rainbow 9 years after that great disaster in Tohoku. Some say the deceased visited this world using this rainbow as a bridge!!! Anyw... -
Mr. Uemori’s incredible, Stunning Tour!!
Don't miss this page, although you can't be lucky enough to participate in Mr. Uemori's incredible, stunning tour!! I'm one of those unlucky ones, but only c... -
Fujiwara Kiyohira(1056-1128), nice guy!!
A bit too abrupt, but Fujiwara Kiyohira(1056-1128) was so kind and brave, and he might have built Chuson-ji Konjikido (Golden Hall) for all the people who lo... -
This blog shows 3 mummies in Chusonji Temple, Hiraizumi, Tohoku in detail!!
This is the blog I'm now so into. Detailed info on the famous 3 mummies in Chusonji Temple, Hiraizumi, Tohoku. Fujiwara Clan, whose great works to protect pe... -
Our ancestors are trying to help us–NOW!
Presumably, all our ancestors are trying to help us now. We only have to hear their voices and eagerness to support us, which is the only reason for a common... -
Kukai himself knew he was identical to Joshua/Jesus
I believe Toji Temple, where Kukai lived for as long as 10 years. and which is always his home in his mind, is something to do with disclosure this time, but... -
Who is who???
Summing up, according to the info from all of my friends, and my mentor esp. Uemori and Elena,Dainichi Nyorai(大日如来)= Fudo Myoo(不動明王)= Kukai = U... -
新倉富士浅間神社 Arakura Fuji Sengen Shrine
https://jinjamemo.com/archives/post-2000.htmlI like the picture of Mt. Fuji taken from 新倉富士浅間神社 Arakura Fuji Sengen Shrine. There is a beautiful Tori... -
Beautiful Paper Crane protects Japan
Furthermore, Uemori says this beautiful paper crane protects Japan! He downloaded the data from someone invisible and drew the bird connecting the crucial sh... -
Toji is Disclosing something?–from Uemori’s Blog
I believe Toji has something to do with the disclosure this time. And what does Uemori say about Toji? He says, "Toji and Mt. Inasa had the role "to tell the...