…/%E7%9A%87%E6%A5%B5%E5%A4%A9%E7… First of all, We should also know now about the detailed horrendous suffering in the US, or of little children mainly in the US, and other countries from the excellent video by Miyoko Angel with huge bravery to tell everything.. and stand up strongly…She’s incredibly brave, fair, kind, and true, and contributes greatly to the good of humanity!! And … Now we have to classify their lies, hypocrisies, and brutality/cruelty, to make us confused, and pull apart from the truth.. Sorry, it’s so difficult and it is merely my own theory below… , limiting these “lies and bullying” only around Mt. Fuji.. (too many lies to classify everything www) I believe it(the lies around Mt. Fuji) is related to the assassination of Prince Shotoku/Soga-no-Iruka/Kogyoku Tenno.(Maybe.. because without doing it, they might be killed…I was taught this super-surprising fact by Mr. Uemori.. if you are interested, you should go to Uemori’s blog above or his books. .) Then lies after lies… Prince Shotoku had the superpower to fly over Mt. Fuji and owned his own horses in the mountainside… Then, they exiled En-no Gyojya, Prince Shotoku’s son to Izu Island, and intended to kill him there, but he survived.. He had the superpower to walk on the water/fly? to Mt. Fuji, overcome bad guys’ bullying.. and contribute to humanity by spreading Buddhism… Princess Kaguya, who might be among the royal bloodline, was sent to Mt.Fuji, who was the reincarnation of Golden Princess/Utsu, the Goddess of Mt.Tsukuba in Ibaraki, Kanto area, very much bullied and turned into Cocoon, and spread sericulture for the good of humanity. Then she again turned into Princess Kono, to protect industries, tame fire with water, (maybe with Queen Himiko and Princess Seoritu, Princess Iwanaga), and encourage humanity. I’m not so sure about the Utsu…as a real human/humanoid… But Elena must know it all well!! (She kingly disclosed that Utsu is the Spaceship Captain in Mt.Fuji’s UFO, which was so helpful!!) And then we have Oshira-sama legend..mainly in the Tohoku area. She never backed down after the tragedy of her father’s killing her fiancé– and again, she could fly and teach us the technique of silkworm-raising.. This is only the tip of the iceberg of the whole bullying by bad guys, the hypocrites. (or bad ETs maybe?). Some of them(the lies, plots, bad agendas), the most problematic now, were those having to do with Empress Komyo, Imperial Princess Noto, Imperial Princess Inoue, Princess Osabe, Dokyo, and Koken/Shotoku Tenno, as Uemori tell us.. Lots of other Tennos suffered…Legends and folklore implicitly tell us the truth… In my opinion, Japan is not at all the exception to the sufferings, and horrendous evil deeds of bad ETs, the faction of Enlil…maybe they are not known publicly and hidden tight.. (And I believe they overcame these lies and bullying by using superpowers, such as flying in the sky, walking on the water…which is the clue to being the good guys who learned them from the off-world technology…but it is so interesting that according to Elena’s recent star news, the most advanced off-world technology is using the good consciousness!!! It was so mindblowing!! What a profound wisdom of the (Inter-)Galactic Federation and info from lovely Oona’s …!!! wow) We must pay homage to Elena for showing us so great information!!